Currently, there are 3 vaccines that are authorized and recommended in the United States to prevent COVID-19. The best COVID-19 vaccine is the first one that is available to you. CDC and DHEC do not recommend one vaccine over another. All currently authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.

Diverse group of young adults in face masks pointing to bandages on arms where they got a shot
diverse group of young adults wearing face masks and riding public transportation

Need a Ride?

There are some options for transportation to vaccine appointments in South Carolina. From public transportation to Lyft, there's an option near you. Find your ride today!

It's okay to have questions. Everyone deserves answers.

  • Learn more about the COVID-19 and vaccines from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Contol. Find myths and facts, reliable resources, a vaccine locator and much more.

  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention also has many resources to learn about COVID-19 and vaccines. Learn about more myths and facts, information about booster shots, information for specific groups, and more.

Learn More

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Download these shareable resources to help spread the word about the COVID-19 vaccine. Do your part to help others find their vaccine.